Mission at St. Alban's Church, Offerton

St. Alban's seeks to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in Offerton through worship, example and service - making Christ known to the world.

Our Mission St. Alban's Church St. John's Church The Christian Faith Young People

Children and young people

At St. Alban’s we love worshipping with people of all ages and backgrounds and children are especially welcome. We have a number of activities for children and young families including Praise and Play on Tuesday mornings and Messy Church on the 1st Saturday of every month.

We are blessed and delighted to have strong links with the uniformed groups who meet at the Albany behind church and on the 1st Sunday of the month we have an All Age Parade service where the groups help lead our worship.

We have a lovely children’s corner in church with books, toys and crafts for children to use during the service and colouring sheets and worksheets are provided each Sunday for the children to use.

There are nappy changing facilities available. Breast-feeding is welcome, although please ask if you would prefer a more private space to feed your child.

Child Protection

At St. Alban's, we take Child Protection and safeguarding very seriously. Please refer to our safeguarding page for further information.