
Baptism marks the start of a Christian journey. At St. Alban's, we baptise into the Christian faith both children and adults. If you are an adult, baptism is a public sign of your Christian commitment. To bring your child for baptism in the Church means you want to bring them up in the Christian faith.
Christians believe that God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus his son to put right all the things in the world that had gone wrong and which separated us from God. Jesus taught us that God loves us and wants us to spend time with him. In fact, God loves us so much that Jesus died on the cross so that we might be reconciled to him.
At a baptism you're saying that this is your faith, and where children are concerned, you're promising to help them to know Jesus for themselves, by praying for them and bringing them to Church.
If you would like to book a baptism in the church, please contact us for further information.