Worship at St. Alban's Church, Offerton

Worship is at the heart of parish life at St. Alban's. The church offers a diverse pattern of worship throughout the week, both contemporary and traditional. St. Alban's seeks to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in Offerton through worship, example and service - making Christ known to the world.

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Funeral information

Death is the only guaranteed certainty about life. It is something that can happen when you are young or old; it can be expected or sudden; it can be a tragedy or a release. Nobody knows for certain what happens when you die, but Christians believe that God's love and power extend over all creation. Every life, including our own, is precious to God.

Christians have always believed that there is hope in death as in life, and that there is new life in Christ over death. Even those who share such faith find that there is a real sense of loss at the death of a loved one. We will each have had our own experiences of their life and death, with different memories and different feelings of love, grief and respect.

The funeral service is an occasion to express our faith and our feelings as we say farewell, to acknowledge our loss and our sorrow, and to reflect on our own mortality. Every year, St. Alban's offers funeral services to very many people as a way of providing support, comfort and consolation to those who mourn. It is important to us to offer a service that reflects to the best of our ability the life of the person who has died; as a result, we are happy to do our best to accomodate special requirements or requests in the church.

To find out more about funeral ministry at St. Alban's, please contact us.