Our Mission

Our mission for the parish is that it may be a place of worship and encounter; faith and discipleship; outreach and engagement; education and learning, that Jesus Christ may be praised in all things.
Our aim is to create welcoming churches, where people are able to encounter God, to be challenged by Him, and to grow in holiness. We seek to live out the Christian faith in the wider community, transforming lives by engaging with the Church's mission to take the good news of Jesus Christ to all people.
St. Alban's church seeks to:
- enrich lives by helping people discover the Christian faith;
- provide spiritual support to those affected by sickness, grief or difficulty;
- engage with local community groups working for social transformation;
- encourage Christian learning for children and adults;
- conserve our heritage for future generations.
Ours is a living and an exciting faith. It is good news for the world. God changes lives - he makes us whole.