The Christian Faith

St. Alban's is a place of Christian worship, but we welcome people of all faiths and none.
As Christians, we believe in God who created the world and all there is, who loves and cares for his creation and is grieved when we sin and spoil the world. In order to save us from our sin and to restore our broken communion with God, God took human flesh and, as Jesus Christ, was born among us, lived a sinless life and was crucified and died. On the third day, which we celebrate as Easter Day, God raised him from the dead and, after appearing to many people, he ascended to heaven where he reigns in glory. Ten days after the ascension, God the Holy Spirit empowered the early disciples to bear witness to Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour, and in the 2000 years since then the Christian faith has been proclaimed throughout the world. We await the second coming of Jesus Christ to be our merciful judge and to bring all things to completion as God's kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven.
We believe that God is active in the world today through the power of the Holy Spirit, and that we are called to responsible care of an involvement in God's world, both the natural creation and among all people. Throughout the centuries Christians have been actively involved in caring for the poor, the sick and the needy, and in peace and justice issues. We believe that, in the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, God has shared our life and opened the way for us to share God's life both now and in the age to come. When we turn to God, however falteringly, God in his mercy and love will meet with us.
Whilst you do not have to go to a church to pray, St. Alban's is a place where, over many decades, people have come in prayer and pilgrimage. Today, many people come here today seeking God, or seeking peace and direction in their life. If you have any questions about the Christian faith, or want someone to talk to about anything that is troubling you, please contact us.